Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

PTC Latest Scam List 2016 - 2017

PTC Latest Scam List 2017

PTC (Paid To Klic) is one type of online business where we will be paid only by the click ads provided by the company PTC - Paid To klic reply in Indonesiakan less means Paid To Nge-click ... still unclear huh? Well, you know the story ...
Companies PTC is a place or space to do promotions for advertisers - nah..iklan-served ads that are intended for you as a business person PTC to see it through ad clicks that you do - by simply clicking and viewing ads you get paid tersebutlah …IT'S EASY!! Ease back if others do click under our invitation and so should we get paid

How many times and how long viewed the ad?

If you are already a member at one of your PTC will provide some advertising links to be clicked and you are required to see that ad for 30 seconds before switching to click more ads and the ads should only be clicked once every 24 hours (one in a day)

How we get paid for each click on an ad?

In general, for the standard member we paid Rp 50, -until Rp 100, - and 50% of the referral clicks (clicks that other people on our invitation) depends on the policies of the respective companies PTC and to be able to double the income - you can upgrade your membership become a premium member or above again.

Indeed Many Online Business PTC is very tempting. But, be careful these days there are a lot of scam PTC alias fraud, do not know why but that might give confidence to members, then it could be categorized as PTC Scam.

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This paper thus, may be useful.

Do not Forget Also Read: Do suited us Become so business?
Do suited us Become so business?

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